Academic Performance

Pupils achieve outstanding results so they are able to apply to the top universities in the UK and internationally.

At Malvern, our pupils do more than just remember and recite facts.

By encouraging curiosity and diversity of thought, we ensure each pupil develops a well-rounded approach to learning so they gain places to the top universities in the world.

Average UCAS Tariff Point

Combining the 2024 International Baccalaureate and A level scores into UCAS Tariff points, this equates to an average result of


grades at A level

& A

grade at EPQ


0 average score
0 achieved 40+ points

A level

0 achieved grades A*-B in 2024
0 achieved grades A*-A
Five year average


0 achieved grade 9-7 (A*-A)
0 achieved grade 9-6 (A*-B)

HE Destinations

0 took their first choice
0 received offers to Russell Group Universities

Malvern pupils gain places at the top ranked UK universities including Oxbridge and the Russell Group.

UK Universities

  • Oxford
  • Cambridge
  • Bristol
  • Durham
  • Edinburgh
  • Exeter
  • Manchester
  • Newcastle
  • Nottingham
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • UCL
  • Warwick
  • Bath
  • St Andrews

Non-UK Universities

0 took up places at international universities
0 have gone down other paths, including Drama School, Flight School, Military/Forces (Army), Apprenticeships and Sport

Non-UK Universities:

  • Massachusetts (Boston), United States
  • Toronto, Canada
  • Northeastern (Boston), United States
  • UC Santa Barbara, United States
  • Bocconi, Italy
  • IE Madrid, Spain
  • Utrecht, Netherlands
An armillary sphere, a historical astronomical instrument, is depicted with intricately arranged metal rings and a central globe, mounted on a pedestal. Much like tracking academic performance through exam results, the rings are marked with various celestial coordinates used to model the motions of celestial bodies.

Over 70 courses studied.

From Agri-Business Management to Meterology and Climate

0 popular course choices

  • Business
  • Law
  • Politics
  • Sciences

Specialist HE

Interior Architecture
Film & TV Studies
Gap Year
Software Apprenticeship
Automotive Engineering

League Table Information

Along with many other independent schools, Malvern College does not voluntarily participate in national league tables, which can be misleading and only give a one-dimensional picture of a school, attempting to rank schools solely on the criterion of perceived success in public examinations.

If you would like to speak to our Academic Team regarding our pupils’ achievements, please contact our Admissions Team for their support.