
The Malvern College Drama Department is a thriving and creative force within the College community providing cultural nourishment for our pupils that stimulates their artistic talents.


There are numerous opportunities both on and off stage for Malvernians to pursue their creative interests and to follow their passion for the performing arts, as part of the curriculum and co-curriculum.

Recent major productions include ‘Les Miserables’, ‘Twelfth Night’, ‘We Will Rock You’, ‘The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole’, ‘Animal Farm’, ‘Sister Act’, ‘Earthquakes in London’ and ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’.

Pupils are encouraged to play a full part in all aspects of theatre, whether this is as a performer on stage or technical operator.

The College’s Rogers Theatre, a fully equipped, 270 seat modern theatre, is home to the busy Drama department and is a hub for creativity. Outside of the academic timetable Drama is vibrant and plentiful with productions and showcase presentations in evidence throughout the year. The annual House Drama Competition sees each boarding house prepare a pupil-directed production and is hotly contested.

Three actresses and an actor on stage performing in 12th Night

Academic Drama

The Foundation Year (Year 9) drama course uses theatre games, improvisations and short script extracts to develop pupils’ skills of movement, response, speech, use of performance space and audience awareness.

Drama is a popular choice for GCSE. Pupils develop experience of working practically with scripts and on self-devised unscripted pieces.

In the Sixth Form, the A level Drama and Theatre course features a combination of textual study and scripted/devised performances. This, together with responding to live theatre productions, provides pupils with a stimulating course with strong practical elements.

A programme of live theatre visits to Stratford, London, Cheltenham or Malvern is offered to pupils of drama.

Speech and Drama lessons

Speech and Drama lessons are available by request. Pupils receive coaching and preparation for LAMDA awards or local drama festivals.