Henry C


Henry’s Malvern journey has certainly been a bumpier road than most, yet he is testament to never letting an obstacle stand in his way. During his second term at school, navigating new routines and finding new friends, a certain global pandemic struck sending Henry back to the family farm. Just a few weeks into lockdown, Henry was involved in a horrific tractor accident, which saw him airlifted to hospital where a dislocated hip and cracked ribs sent him to surgery and intensive care. Henry escaped life-threatening and life-debilitating injuries by the smallest of margins, yet recovery and learning to walk unaided were all going to be huge challenges to conquer. But that’s exactly what he did. Rehabilitation took time, but while he was physically healing he was also raising awareness and funds for the Air Ambulance charities that saved his life.
An entrepreneur, a musician, a Sergeant and a broadcaster, Henry throws himself into all aspects of school life. Returning to full health may have required small steps, and Henry made progress not just in giant leaps, but became an inspiration along the way.

Tomorrow’s role models, shaped today.