
Through theory and an array of practical experiments, pupils learn of the industrial, social and economic aspects of chemistry.


The theory of Chemistry is taught, as far as possible, using practical experience of the substances and processes involved. In setting these activities in context, pupils are made aware of the industrial, social and economic aspects of the Chemistry they are studying.

A teacher and pupil working in a science lab

We teach pupils the skills to carry out practical work in Chemistry safely and effectively. They are made aware of career opportunities in Chemistry and are specifically provided with the chemical knowledge and understanding required for continued study in Chemistry and related areas e.g. medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and pharmacy.

Lower School Chemistry

We give the Lower School project work as frequently as possible so that the pupils can see the link between Chemistry and its relevance in society.
The projects are open-ended allowing pupils to work at their own ability level, presenting their results in a variety of formats and developing the appropriate communication skills.

Pupils have entered many competitions run by the Royal Society of Chemistry over recent years, including the Top of the Bench competition, the West Midlands Chemistry Quiz and the School Analyst competition, with teams achieving excellent results against very strong competition and regularly reaching competition finals.


Sixth Form Chemistry

Chemistry is a popular choice of subject for Sixth Form pupils taking either A levels or the International Baccalaureate. Pupils who enjoy a challenge enter the Chemistry Olympiad, also run by the Royal Society of Chemistry, and the C3L6 competition run by St Catharine’s College, Cambridge.

Pupils are given the opportunity to attend the meetings of the College’s science society, the Lucretian Society, where talks are presented by outside speakers as well as hand-on experiments, such as steam distillation of essential oils.