Liza Rozenberg

What is your favourite memory of Malvern College?

My favourite memories from Malvern tend to centre around spending time with my friends. We were all from the same House, and living in such close proximity to each other meant we could spend time together doing nothing in particular, enjoying each other’s company. We still laugh about the many funny incidents that happened to us together. I think the opportunity to form those kinds of bonds with people was really valuable to my experience at Malvern College.

What attracted you to your particular field of study and what do you enjoy most about it?

I have always been interested in finding the most fundamental explanations for the way the world is. I think this is why I was attracted to studying theoretical physics at university. The course is offering me an opportunity to formalise both my questions and the answers to my inquiries. What I enjoy most about theoretical physics is that it is precise and creative in the way it builds theories. I like being able to explain the world using abstract machinery, although a lot of the time it takes some effort to reach the depth of understanding necessary for this. Another aspect I enjoy is the process of tackling a research question. You first have to figure out what angle to take when approaching it, and then what methods you should use. It feels like solving a puzzle, which is very enjoyable.

What part did Malvern College play in giving you the necessary skills for your chosen path?

I think the most important contribution that Malvern College has made to my skillset was encouraging me to be open minded to new theories and ideas. In particular, the nature of the IB program which I was enrolled in at Malvern College taught me this by providing a variety of disciplines that each gave a unique lens to look through at the world.

What are your ambitions?

I am hoping to pursue a PhD in theoretical physics after I finish my undergraduate studies. Ultimately, I want to be able to carry out advanced research in this area, which will hopefully involve a position at a research centre or university.

What advice would you give to current pupils contemplating entering your field?

On a technical level, I would advise students interested in theoretical physics to learn as much math as possible, and to read about some advanced topics even before being exposed to them at university. More broadly, I would advise students interested in pursuing a career in science to allow their curiosity to guide them beyond what might be expected of them in a high school curriculum. It’s always useful to ask questions, and sometimes the answers are not satisfactory at the level being presented in school. So, I would say don’t be afraid to dig deeper, even if that might mean coming across and having to master unfamiliar concepts.

What advice would you give to current pupils about making the most of their time at the school?

I would say it is definitely important to devote a lot of time to academics and learn as much as possible about whatever it is that interests you. It is also good to learn to balance work life with social life while still in school since this will make it easier to have a fulfilling life at university and later on.