House Drama Competition 2020

House Drama Competition 2020

The House Drama Competition is one of Malvern’s great pupil-led traditions. It is no mean feat to put on a theatre production involving, as it does, such a wide range of skills, from the choosing of a play and editing it, choosing a cast, organising rehearsals, selecting props and costumes, creating sound effects and lighting states, choreographing, stage blocking and finally performing in front of one’s fellow pupils, parents and staff. This competition calls for a supreme team effort and collaboration of the highest ‘Malvernian’ order. It is a popular competition because every year group in a House can be involved. A lot of nervous energy and sheer physicality has to be channelled and this requires excellent organisational skills from those who take on the task of directing.

All three performance evenings offered a rich variety of theatrical experiences. Playing to packed houses each night, the ensembles certainly gave their all. A strong sense of teamwork enjoyment, commitment and passion was evident in each House cast and their technical crew. Professional actress Georgie Halford delivered her adjudication at an ‘Oscars’ style ceremony and the results were as follows:

Best Supporting Actress was Madison
Best Supporting Actor was Shey
Best Technical performance was No.3 for ‘Daisy Pulls it Off’,
Best Ensemble (generating House Spirit, production discipline) Ellerslie House,
Best Entertainment to No.8 for ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’,
Best Actress was awarded jointly to Bonnie & Freya
Best Actor was awarded to Oli
Best Director was Harrison
Best Girls’ Production – No.3 for ‘Daisy Pulls it Off’,
Best Boys’ Production – No.2 for ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’.

Keith Packham, Director of Drama