To the new Lower Sixth of 2024-2025.
I hope you are all well and are enjoying relaxing after your GCSEs.
We are really looking forward to welcoming those of you who are joining the Sixth Form in September and you have a great two years ahead of you. The Sixth Form is a time to start looking ahead to life beyond School and we will do all we can to prepare you for life after Malvern.
The key to academic success in the Sixth Form is the ability to develop independence and to develop your knowledge and understanding of your subjects outside the classroom. Each department has identified a range of resources that would help you to bridge the gap to the increased challenges that the Sixth Form poses.
Over the summer, you need to visit 3 of your chosen subjects in the documents list below (if you are taking IB, select your three Higher Level subjects). Each department expects you to have done a minimum of 5 of the suggested activities, and then to have written up a reflection on at least two of these (please note that Computer Science, Drama, Maths, Music and Physics have slightly different instructions).
Once you have completed the activities, you should email your work to the relevant subject Head of Department. A list of their names and email addresses is below if you are not sure:
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy preparing for the Sixth Form. I will look forward to seeing you in September.
Mrs Major
Head of Sixth Form